– Setting one’s own rule can often lead to great outcomes in said person’s life. Be it on behalf of personality, soft skills, or just simple daily knowledge. Having a goal to pursue also means having a purpose in life that drives you forward. On this note, every single person likes to imagine themselves living in their desired future. A dream propels everyone to better themselves for the sake of said dream. A stable life in a stable settlement is often associated with the dream that most people want. Look no further than the home that provides the sense of settlement and settling down like Candigolf.
Uphill from the busy streets of Semarang, Candigolf’s cluster of properties are the main attraction of every single building with the concept of continuity and wellness in them. The greatest moments of your life are sure to be well-spent on the well-kept wellbeing of you and your family in our everlasting houses. Built for the sake of ensuring your future heritage and inheritance, Candigolf focuses on the beauty of the solemn nature in the middle of a metropolis like Semarang. Very strategically-positioned among all of the public necessities you need, such as schools, supermarkets, and hospitals, Candigolf offers an upward living experience on top of the hills of Semarang.
Many forms of amenities and everyday gifts are bestowed on the lands surrounding Candigolf. One of which is the golf park present to fulfill your need for serenity between you and your family. Only the most exclusive facilities for the residents and clients of Candigolf’s properties, which includes the guarded security gates that prevent strangers and outsiders from entering anywhere near your district. On these acres upon acres of land, not a single day will be spent tinkering about a better housing environment than Candigolf. Chase your dream of the ideal settlement with Candigolf by accessing Candigolf’s social media, through the website:, or the Instagram account: